Lapala allows you to build 100% customizable processes according to your needs. In this article, we'll teach you how to merge two paths in a process.


How to merge two branches in a process

We want to merge step 3 and step 4 which aren’t on the same branch for the moment.

Merge step 3 and step 4.png

Click on step 3 to open the step edition interface of this step of the process.

Then in the “Outgoing connectors” tab, click on the dropdown button named “Step”

Setup the outcoming connector.png

Then select “Step 4”.

Select the right path.png

The paths are now merged ! You can merge as many paths as you want

Merging two paths.png

Display data from “Step 2” or “Step 3” to “Step 4”

With Lapala, the different inputs of the process can be display throughout the process.

In this article, we will setup “Step 4” with data from “Step 2” and data from “Step 3” in the same process.

Data from previous step.png